The Shopping Trip

Created by caroleebee 9 years ago
Jo, I already miss you so much .... but I still giggle at some of our mad trips out. The Tesco Click and Collect story even now makes me laugh. Off we went to collect your Tesco order from the Henley store. You patiently sat in the front of my car whilst I helped the Tesco chap get out your order and start to load it into my boot. He started to load up but I quickly stopped him and was incredibly indignant ... how were we suppose to get the shopping from the boot to your house without any bags. Everything was loose. He looked a bit at me in a bit of an odd way but duly went off bagged up all your shopping and reloaded it for me. Heading back to yours I remarked what a great service it was ... but why on earth would they be so cheap as not to provide it all bagged up. I remember you giggling as you explained you had requested "no bags"!!! Thanks for the memories ... Carole x
